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Shangri La Hotel Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Plan
The hotel chain Shangrila  is coming to Mongolia. It was announced somewhere last year, and that might be good news for Mongolia. But, the bad news is where and how it will be build. See image on the right. The construction has recently started next to the opera building at the Sukhbaatar square. Although Cris Miler informed us of a more amusing feature of the hotel, the location and the huge size make it hard to see this a contribution to Ulaanbaatar.

The press release reads:

A joint venture between Shangri-La Asia Limited and MCS Holding, Mongolia, the 190-room hotel will be a part of an office, retail and hotel complex, which is located at the east side of the Sukhe-Bator Square, between the City Theatre and Peace Avenue, in the centre of Ulaanbaatar city.

construtruction shangri la hotel
Construction work has started

shangri la hotel in comparison with the opera building
The Shangri-La Hotel in comparison to the Opera building